This map is an example of a Peters Projection map. This map projection was introduced in 1973 by Dr. Arno Peters. This projection of the world map differs from the standard Mercator projection which enlarges land masses as you move away from the equator. Greenland on the Mercator projection appear larger than China. Peter's version holds area constant according to the surface of the earth they occupy. This results in a different distortion that elongates the continents. Some have called this look, "long winter underwear hung out to dry in the Arctic Circle."
This projection is favored by some social scientists and educators. This is because it shows the true size of the third world relative to European countries. This Euro centrism is seen as a problem by some. They point out the Europe on the Mercator is in the center of the map.
Other features include countries on the same continent being colored similarly and the prime meridian being moved to the international date line in the Pacific Ocean.
This projection is favored by some social scientists and educators. This is because it shows the true size of the third world relative to European countries. This Euro centrism is seen as a problem by some. They point out the Europe on the Mercator is in the center of the map.
Other features include countries on the same continent being colored similarly and the prime meridian being moved to the international date line in the Pacific Ocean.